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BIO: Jasmine Trinca

Early Life and Background

Jasmine Trinca was born on April 24, 1981, in Rome, Italy. She has no formal acting training. Her initial break into the film industry was accidental, occurring when director Nanni Moretti spotted her and cast her in a leading role.

Acting Career

Trinca’s acting career began in 2001 with Nanni Moretti’s film The Son’s Room (La stanza del figlio), which won the Palme d’Or at the Cannes Film Festival. This role launched her into the Italian and international film scene. She has since established herself as a prominent actress known for her versatility and ability to portray complex characters.

Throughout her career, she has worked with numerous acclaimed directors and has appeared in a wide range of genres, from drama to comedy.

Notable Works

Here is a list of some of her popular movies:

  • The Son’s Room (La stanza del figlio, 2001)
  • The Best of Youth (La meglio gioventù, 2003)
  • Romanzo Criminale (2005)
  • The Caiman (Il caimano, 2006)
  • Silent Dream (Il sogno del marmo, 2012)
  • Miele (2013) – Also known as Honey, marking her debut as a director in addition to starring.
  • Saint Laurent (2014)
  • Who Is Without Sin (Nessuno si salva da solo, 2015)
  • Fortunata (2017)
  • The Gunman (2015)
  • Emma (2018)
  • The Goddess of Fortune (La Dea Fortuna, 2019)
  • Superheroes (Supereroi, 2021)
  • Marcel!

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